Instructions For Online Order Form

  1. Navigate to:
  2. In the upper-right of the page - click on: Log in
  3. Register your account
    • Even if you are already registered on our main web site.
    • First time users should click on: Register as new user

Enter your Email address and the password you wish to use. Enter your Customer ID if you know it. Enter your store or business name.


You should receive an email asking you to confirm your account. Click on the link to confirm your account. Pedifix will then receive an alert that you attempted to register. At that point we will verify and will reply by e-mail.

You can now log in using your email and password

Enter an Order

To enter an order, at the top of the page click: Reorder Stock Select the ship-to address from the list (if you have more than one address on file)


Show all items: Clicking this will cause the form to display all items (i.e. the full order form) Show only my items: Clicking this will cause the form to display only items previously ordered Update: Clicking this will save any changes you’ve made to the order Checkout: Clicking this will take you to the checkout page


Optional fields: PO Number/Notes Shipping choices: Ground, 2 day or Next day Payment options: Bill me or Credit card on file Place Order: Clicking this will submit the order